I have a deep love for children. In 2004, I was introduced to Waldorf Education and immediately felt a resonance to their spirit infused way of educating children. It just made sense. Honoring our natural rhythms and cycles each day and exploring the earth’s cycles is essential to supporting our wholeness and cultivates a natural respect for all of life.

The year 2004 was a magical year, as I was also introduced to yoga and meditation. This practice has become my way of life. As I explored my body and mind I started making more connections, naturally I developed a deeper reverence for the earth and her rhythms. I believe inner peace and harmony is a result of aligning with the greater rhythms and cycles of nature and infusing our lives with this understanding and actions.

It’s my personal mission to share the toolbox that I’ve gathered over the last 20 years and support children and adults in a deeper connection to Self, others and the earth. My toolbox includes techniques that guide each individual physically, mentally/emotionally, socially and spiritually.

I am passionate about nourishing foods, gardening, camping, playing in nature, body awareness and movement, meditation, conscious and non-violent communication, emotional well-being, ceremony and ritual and so much more.


Amber received a double B.A. in Psychology and Environmental and Growth Management Studies from Rollins College. She worked for a couple of years as an Urban and Transportation Planner before she discovered yoga and devoted her life to living and sharing health and wellness. For the last 20 years, Amber has been deeply immersed in studying and sharing wisdom tradition knowledge. She co-founded an organic café and a yoga studio before she opened her wellness center, Shine On Yoga and Wellness Center, which thrived for 8 years. She has led yoga teacher trainings for nearly 10 years. In 2016, she expanded her experience and knowledge to children’s education. An interest in Waldorf Education and conscious parenting allowed her to connect more deeply to spiritual wisdom to support and educate both parents and children. She completed her Waldorf Education Certification (2023) with Antioch University and will continue to strive towards a Masters’ Degree in EducationShe is a Guidance and Discipline Guide with Simplicity Parenting. She has assisted and taught in Montessori and Waldorf Schools and is currently working toward the development of an education model that bridges the old and new world to meet the current needs of the children. 

Amber has dedicated her life to creating inner and outer spaces of body, mind and spirit; that cultivate freedom through imagination, inspiration and intuition. She is dedicated to ushering in a New Humanity. A world where connected communities, uplift, inspire and empower all people. Collectively, we have been operating on fragmentation and separation and now we are being called to recognize the reality of unity and to consciously co-create an operating system that is based in compassion which combines understanding, clarity and truth.  We must overcome the tendencies to allow the lower self to control our thoughts, words and actions and rise up to the heart of the matter that is beyond our personal identities, ideas and attachments. 

True Education is key, and her mission is to help people awaken through providing tools that lead to curiosity, growth and self-knowledge. She accomplishes this through a variety of ways including private and group work, trainings and education of all ages and stages.

Credentials, testimonials and references provided upon request. 

Her view on the education system at large:

Collectively, we have overlooked the education system and the revamp its needed for quite some time. It’s quite amazing that the collective conversation is more and more centered around body, mind and spirit health, but that conversation hasn’t reached many of our systems. My work is an attempt at redefining what it means to educate and the first step is to re-educate ourselves. Too many people have been indoctrinated into the all-consuming system that is eating us all alive and spitting us out as unhealthy and disease-ridden human doings. We need to rise up and take our power back and dive deep into a real education that is founded on connection, truth and authentic expression. Our creative potential is unlimited, however the distortions, programs and limitations that have been placed on humanity have created full blown dis-ease, dis-connection and dis-content. The indoctrination of a specific way of life that revolves around the game of money is destroying our race. We are an achievement-oriented culture that is successfully achieving a painful rip of consciousness. We need to get off the doing mentality and get on the being mentality. Eastern wisdom traditions teach these ways and are a great resource to us all. 

Being a guide in the world today isn’t easy. It takes effort, self-responsibility and accountability. Basically, owning our reactions and not trying to control the reality.

Her programs are designed to support you in becoming all of you, so that you too can help guide a new way of being in the world. In setting a space for this we have the opportunity to tap into unlimited potential. When groups come together in this way there is no limit to what we can do. 


“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility – these three forces are the very nerve of education. ~Rudolf Steiner


Waldorf Education Certification through Antioch University

Human Design/Gene Keys Guide

Simplicity Parenting – Guidance and Discipline Guide

Mindful Educator with Mindful Schools

Journey of a Young Woman Guide

Ashtanga/Sivananda/Kundalini/Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainer
Meditation/Breathwork Guide
Jikiden Reiki 1 & 2
3rd Degree Usui Reiki
Theta Healing® Practitioner
Mystery School - Adept, Teacher of Light Initiation
DNA Life Activation
King Salomon Healing Modality
Pranic Healing - Basic, Advanced, Psychotherapy, Crystal 
Arhatic Yoga Prep
Journey of a Young Women
Ordained Minister with Universal Life Church
Ordained Minister with Light Wing Center

The Minister Practitioner does not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor does the practitioner apply medical, mental health or human development principles, but ministers to the suffering by prayer, spiritual, religious or mental means, without the use of any drug material remedy or physical manipulation.